Tuesday 23 April 2013

PowerShell Script to find SQL Agent Job details on a SQL server instance

The below script helps to find SQL Agent Job details on a SQL server instance

Copyright © 2013 Vinoth N Manoharan.The information provided in this post is provided "as is" with no implied warranties or guarantees.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

SQL Server Cluster Installation AD Permission error SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2008R2

Recently when I was Installing SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2008 R2 Cluster, the installation completed successfully but the SQL Resources failed with the below error,

Cluster network name resource 'SQL Network Name (<SQLNetworkName>)' failed to create its associated computer object in domain 'DomainName' during: Resource online.

The text for the associated error code is: Access is denied.

Please work with your domain administrator to ensure that:
- The cluster identity '<Clustername>$' has Create Computer Objects permissions. By default all computer objects are created in the same container as the cluster identity ‘<Clustername>$'.
- The quota for computer objects has not been reached.
- If there is an existing computer object, verify the Cluster Identity ‘<Clustername>$' has 'Full Control' permission to that computer object using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool.

This error is due to the permission issue within the OU of the Cluster identity in the AD Server.The install creates computer objects in a staging area of AD and tries to move it to the Cluster OU when the resources are brought online. 

To resolve this either you might have to ask the Windows Admin to delegate access within Cluster OU or ask them to move the Objects from Staging Area to Cluster OU manually. Remember the SQL Server install was successful so once the permission is grated all you need to do is bring the SQL Services online.

The below MSDN article has an detailed explanation of the architecture based on the above problem(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731002(WS.10).aspx#BKMK_steps_installer)