Thursday 23 March 2017

SQL Azure database - dbmanager and loginmanager role

Recently I was working for a client to install a new application with a backend on SQL Azure (Paas), The application was an inbuilt application which creates a database during application and does not have an option of using existing database, They did not want to use the Server Admin Login to accomplish this task. Unlike traditional SQL Server you can configure only one server Admin in the Azure Portal for SQL Azure Database as below.

And Since we do not have a server level entity in Azure we do not have any server level roles to provide a user with dbcreator. There alternate way to accomplish this according to MSDN( ) there are two 2 new roles in the master database for SQL Server (dbmanager and loginmanager)

'dbmanager' allows users to create databases in Azure environment and loginmanager as the name suggests allows you to create new login without being a serveradmin. All you need to do is to create a login and corresponding user in master and grant it dbmanager role for the user to get dbcreator rights on SQL Azure, once we did this we were able to install the application without any issues and the new DB was created successfully.