Wednesday 8 October 2014

How to create a SSRS DR/Copy Report Server Database across different servers

Imagine you have installed and initialized SSRS in your Primary and DR Environment and To Mirror the DR environment to the Primary SSRS follow the below steps,

  1. Copy the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB to the DR Server

Note:- If you just do the database restore and try to access the SSRS you get the error “The report server installation is not initialized. (rsReportServerNotActivated)”, You need to follow the below steps to configure the DR SSRS with the existing database.

2.Backup Encryption Key for the Primary SSRS

3.  Copy the Encryption Key File to DR SSRS Server, In my case say C:\Test\ssrsencryptkey.snk

4.  Run the following Query in ReportServer database of the DR server
'DELETE FROM [Dbo].[Keys] WHERE client > -1'

5.  Now search for Program Files folder for “RSKeymgmt.exe” in DR Server

6.  Execute the "RSKeymgmt.exe" from command Prompt of DR Server in Admin context with the below syntax, 
RSKeymgmt.exe -a -f "C:\Test\ssrsencryptkey.snk" -p "<passwordof theencryptionkey>"

7. Restart SSRS.

Once you  have completed these steps you access the Reports web page for the DR SSRS it should match the primary server. Remember I have not configured any real time DR for the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases in the above example, You have to set up Logshipping/Mirroring for the SSRS databases for complete DR Solution. The above steps merely explains how to configure in case of failover.The same set of steps can be used if you want to copy SSRS across different servers. Hope the article helps.

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